Fun fact: While both these mini-series are a remake of Shogun (1980), they both revolve around the true story of William Adams, a ship's pilot who was shipwrecked on the shores of Japan in 1600, and became the first Englishman to establish contact with the Shogun. William and his second mate were ultimately appointed as western Samurai, serving as advisors to the Shogun of the era. ShōgunDirector: Frederick E.O. Toye Imdb: 9.2 Lord Yoshii Toranaga uncovers a mysterious European ship stranded in a nearby fishing village. revealing secrets that could shift the balance of power and crush his enemies. 2024 Episode guide10 Adventures Buy SubscriptionCast: Hiroyuki Sanada (Yoshii Toranaga), Cosmo Jarvis ( John Blackthorne), Anna Sawai (Toda Mariko), Tadanobu Asano ( Kashigi Yabushige), Yûki Kedôin (Takemaru), Eushin Lee ( Yabushige's Green Kosho), Hiromoto Ida ( Lord [...]